Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Playing poker during math class

I'm sitting here at the teachers desk, playing poker. There is nothing better than this.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let's go back
Follow the yellow brick road as we go on another episode
Journey with me as I take you through this nifty little place
I once used to call home sweet home.

Bam, Blamitty blam bam! No one knows what goes on in this noggin. Bitches ain't got shit on me!

Peace, holmez.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cloak whipping in the wind behind him, Innail ran as fast as he could down the narrow, rocky crevice. Here and there and arrow whipped past him sinking into the mud or bouncing harmlessly off of a rock.

"Only a little farther, my companion!" He shouted to the sorcerer, who was only paces behind him.

"Until what?! We get to run in the trees? Those mastiffs will hunt us down faster in there than the horses or men can run in this crevice."

That's when the crevice ended.

A two hundred yard dash all the way to the tree's was all that was left. But what Innail saw caused him to stop dead in his tracks. Thousands of warriors adorned in black chain-male or black leather. Sitting in the middle of this sat one man in white.

Easy to pick out in the crowd already, he also sat upon one of the flying beasts that had been harassing them for the last three miles. This one was different; it was slightly larger and deep blood red scales encompassed it's mass, as an impenetrable shield.

"Intimidating." That was all he heard from the sorcerer who stood next to him. It was at that moment he realized that he could hear footsteps coming from behind them, and the arrows had stopped.

Squinting to take a closer look at the man in the white robes, he saw long flowing silver hair touched with one streak of deep rich brown on the bangs.

Then he saw the man's face.

"Jaeril! That's Jaeril! We marched together to the Battle of Vindi, fought side by side the entire time. Tough character... though a large surprise to see him leading such a large army."

"Well, it seems we will see what his intentions are in a few moments," The red creature stirred it's wings and lifted off, to power towards them. "Stay wary, always remember people can change very quickly once they have tasted power. He may not be the same man you remember."

With a giant thud it plopped down ten paces in front of them, it's neck stretched out. It looked Innail directly in the eye...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"And then there shall be light!"

Light poured down onto the great plains, exposing vibrant hues of color. Innail could see for miles around, perched atop the hill some called Desolate Peak. Dry light brown and infertile soil covered the majority of the top. Being the only infertile land for hundreds of miles around and also the only large hill, it's name seemed quite fitting.

In the distance he could hear the thundering of thousands of hooves. An approaching army perhaps, but more likely just a roaming herd of horses. He looked over to the robed figure beside him, and whistled softly.

"Never seen anyone do that before."

Just moments before the skies had been overcast and rain seemed imminent. Apparently the sorcerer didn't have the patience for such things anymore.

The figure drawled as if he had just learned to speak the common language, "If you lived in the borderlands you would see it more often than not. Clouds cause shadows, and shadows conceal dark, dark beings."

Innail just nodded and looked ahead, far harder than needed, eyes open for threats.

"There's no need for that you know. It's not like anyone could sneak up on us while we travel these dreadfully dull lands."

Just then there was a foul screeching noise, and a winged creature wheeled overhead. It was black, with batlike wings and blood red eyes that seemed to be aglow. It screeched once more and returned back over the crest of the hill.

"Well... I was proven quite wrong, wasn't I?"


Will continue another time. This is actually kind of interesting, I hope to write more about it. ^^