Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fucking dirty sheep.

Things change all the time, and it takes a keen observer to piece together all of the things that do, or to see how one change is going to affect another. Most of the time people don't see it, but any argument started is usually started from a ripple effect. One thing changes to upset one person, this upset person changes another thing in order to compensate, which may upset more people. Those upset people go and upset other people, all the while the first person is still fuming about the first change. Now, an acquaintance decides to bug this still fuming person and he goes off on said acquaintance.

The same can be said about any argument as well. Something is said (perhaps unintentionally) to upset one person, so that person (for some reason) decides it's okay to insult back. Now, both parties are completely wrong in doing so, and there is no excuse for it.

So, I ask you: Why is it so hard to admit when you are wrong? People stay mad at eachother for so long, till they realize what they were arguing about or till they forget. The social ladder and hierarchy is the most disgusting, pitifully twisted thing imaginable. But imagine how eventful life would be if everything were perfect. The number one threat to America (bears) would have killed us all long ago if things were perfect.

Thank god for stubborn stupidity, and the lack of common sense. Thank god for those who seek power aggressively. Thank the Lord Almighty for allowing so many people to be sheep to follow and do whatever they have been brainwashed to believe in, because if people weren't sheep.. God wouldn't exist. Paradoxical, I know. Somewhat of a shitty point of view, but alot of people don't realize blind stupid aggression is what keeps the world turning.

Fuel, the oil companies aggressively fight with each other, with the environment and whoever get's in there way. Blind stupidity of the public makes them hate the oil companies for doing so, yet everyone continues to buy gas from them. And when they stop, and the prices rise, it's obviously their fault. Not the publics. Not the sheep that drive them onwards. If people weren't stupid with money, they could afford everything in the efficient ways possible.

But, as ever, the retardation and perversion of media sources brainwashes the gullible sheep. But soon enough, we'll all be lemmings and jump off a large metaphorical cliff to our deaths.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


The dark one's hand struck out,
to take another mortal from this plain.
Leaving everything behind;
to wander down the dark passages,
into the fiery hell of forever night.

'Set loose mine chains, evil ones!'
The sound is screaming;
Others who had been trapped,
who are afflicted by disease and sores.

A fiery hell indeed,
burning and twisting;
pulsing and moving;
untraceable by pen,
matter not where sight lands.

Creatures crawling.
Limping and stalking,
feeding from the sorrow of lost conciousness,
and eternal pain and damnation.

Hope is lost,
immediately sucked from you by loneliness of the place.
It is not missed...
it had never been felt.

Never will the light of day shine again.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I listened to some old songs a little while ago. They were alot better composed than music is now. As music progressed into what is now considered modern, it lost a lot of it's charm. The sounds now are generic: Opening riff(or whatever opens the song) first verses--> chorus ---> second verse--> chorus ---> possible break or riff--> chorus.

There's no diversity anymore. It's all the same sound (excepting a couple bands of course) with very little variation. Every once in a bands will come out with a song or two with a unique sound, and then all of a sudden everyone else has the same sound because people are fucking sheep. I'm pretty sick of it to be honest. I can't listen to music now without thinking, 'Jesus, I just listened to this exact tune 5 songs in a row.'

I think it's time for the big boy recording companies to let some different sounds be sponsered and recorded.

Just my two cents about that.

And fuck everyone for being stuck up asshole lately. I'm sick of being fucked around.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A while

been what, a month and a half now? Oh well. That's not important. What's important is the writing. Life's been good, won league championships, everything is good with my favorite girl.

I'm going for my learners tomorrow, we'll see how that goes. I really hope I get it this time. If not, I'm gonna go for it as many times as it takes till I get it. I had a thought the other day, what if they set up some sort of program where you can get your graduated drivers license if you took a course of sorts.This would include the learners test if you don't have it, or even if you do. But have instructors teach you how to drive rather than just judge. I realize they have programs where instructors teach you, but they don't have any benefits besides lower insurance rates. Shouldn't you at least be able to get your learners through a program like that? I don't know, but it seems to me like it would be better getting it through first hand experience rather than reading a book and taking a paper test.

And also, I think I am quitting drugs after this weekend. I'll still drink, but I think weed is not doing anything for me anymore. When I toke with friends lately.. it just seems I get hungry and pass out. At parties it seems like I'm anti-social cuz I'm always off from the main party tokin up. It's not all bad though... and it is going to be tough to quit. I think I have the will power to do it. If I do this, then I think it will benefit my grade 12 year, and probably the rest of this year too.

I don't really have alot to rant about this time around, though the next time I'm angry about something worth ranting about I'm going to write it on here. Why not, Eh?

Stay Classy out there. 8D