Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Don't ask me why,
I was born this way.
Don't bother with your condolences.
A loss is a loss.
No matter what you do, or say,
it's not going to change anything.
Not going to make me feel any better.
I could pretend for your own sake and satisfaction.
But that would be a twisting of the truth,
a dilution of the absolute.
A loss is a loss,
and no reason to give up.
but it leaves us with no reason to go on.
Crying get's me no where.
Mourning helps.
But it's myself that can help myself.
Floating in a reservoir of misery,
I can fumble until I find the drain,
the tap,
the spout.
Funny how 3 different words can put three different types of moods in your head so easily...
Funny, or confusing?
Much like trying to find the damn plug.
Did I mention that it's dark and slimy?
With little sharks swimming around nipping on exposed skin.
Fucking reservoir.

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